🌟ANTI TAR TripleGuard Cigarette Filters

6 min readMay 7, 2024


🚭 Journey to Breakfree Nicotine addiction 💪

Tobacco smoke is extremely hazardous to health. Toxic chemicals in tobacco smoke reach a smoker’s brain, heart, and other organs within 10 seconds of the first puff. Tobacco use harms almost every organ of the body and increases the risk of various diseases. Despite health advisories, people continue to smoke, risking their health and well-being.

Image Courtesy: Pixabay

Harm to Diabetics: Research published in the American Journal of Medicine and Diabetes has connected smoking to high risks for glucose abnormalities such as glucose intolerance and impaired fasting glucose. It can also increase the protein in urine and delay wound healing in diabetics. Nicotine makes your body even more resistant to insulin, increases your blood sugar levels and makes it more difficult to manage and control it. that smokers are at a 44 per cent higher risk of developing type-2 diabetes than non-smokers. If you already have Type 2 diabetes and are a smoker, the risk of heart attack/stroke is trebled or quadrupled.

Harm to Oral Health: Smoking leads to smelly breath, which can be a cause of serious embarrassment, and an indication of oral diseases. Remember that smoking is one of the leading causes of cancer, and should there be something wrong in your mouth, your dentist may be able to diagnose and/or guide you better.

Harm to Eye Health: Smoking can cause different types of eye problems like dry eye, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration(AMD) and optic nerve issues leading to permanent blindness if adequate measures are not taken in time. In addition, tobacco smoke can also affect the tissues present around the eyes causing disorder of the eyelids and under-eye puffiness.

Harm to Heart Health: Cigarette-smoking harms the entire cardiovascular system as it changes the blood chemistry. Even people who smoke less than five cigarettes a day can show signs of cardiovascular disease. Smoking harms blood vessels, causing them to thicken and constrict, limiting blood flow leading to blood clots in the arteries. This causes the heart to race and the blood pressure to rise. Peripheral artery disease can develop over time as a result of ongoing narrowing and damage to the blood vessels. Plaque formation is accelerated. Together, this raises the risk of a stroke and coronary heart disease. Women and men who are frequently exposed to second-hand smoke have been shown to have a higher risk of heart attacks, compared to those who have low exposure.

Image Courtesy: Pixabay

Smoking and Cancer
Smoking can cause cancer almost anywhere in the body, including the bladder, blood (acute myeloid leukemia), cervix, colon and rectum, esophagus, kidney and ureter, larynx, oropharynx of the liver, pancreas, stomach, bronchus and lungs. Cancer patients and survivors who smoke have an increased risk of passing away from cancer and/or other diseases.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis, is one of the lung diseases caused by smoking. The majority of lung cancer cases are caused by cigarette smoking. If someone has asthma, tobacco smoke can cause an attack or aggravate an existing one.

Recent Studies: A study published in the Annals of the Rheumatic Disease reported that smoking by itself raises the risk of debilitating back pain by about 30 per cent, adding that smoking also makes people slightly more vulnerable to other regional body pains. Preliminary analysis shows women exposed to either smoke from biomass fuel, used for lighting stoves, or passive smoking during pregnancy were at 47 per cent higher risk of premature delivery.

Image courtesy Pexels(1st pic) and Unsplash(2nd,3rd pic)

Smoking addiction, prevention, and treatment

Smokers are twice as likely to kick the habit if they use a support group rather than trying to give up alone,according to a new study from the University of Bath. Loneliness can increase likelihood of smoking, says study. The study found evidence to suggest being lonelier increases the likelihood of starting smoking, and the number of cigarettes smoked per day, while decreasing the likelihood of successfully quitting.

Embarking on the journey to quit smoking is a commendable decision, one that comes with its unique set of challenges.
1) Embrace Nicotine Replacement Therapy: This therapeutic approach encompasses various options, such as prescription of nicotine administered via nasal spray or inhalers, over-the-counter nicotine patches, gums and lozenges, or prescription of non-nicotine cessation medications like bupropion (Wellbutrin SR, Wellbutrin XL, among others) and varenicline. Always consult a healthcare provider before employing this nicotine replacement therapy.

Limited Time Offer:
 *One Month Supply: $49/bottle 
 *Two Month Supply: $39/bottle
 *Three Month Supply: $33/bottle
 Above offers come with Fast and Free Shipping in USA, 365 day Money back Guarantee.
ANTI TAR TripleGuard Cigarette Filters

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ANTI TAR TripleGuard Filters: A Smart Alternative for Conscious Smokers. It reduces harmful tar (such as finger and teeth stains) while safeguarding respiratory health. With triple-layer filtration technology, these filters purifies every puff of smoke you take, effectively trap and minimize the amount of tar entering your lungs.

STARTER: ANTI TAR® TripleGuard [1 Box] 🛡️
 1 Bottle = 50 filter tips. 📦
BEST SELLER:  ANTI TAR® TripleGuard [Bundle-6] 🛡️🎁
 6 Boxes (300 Filters) 📦📦📦📦📦📦
 Bonus: FREE 2 Carrying Cases (with 6 filters) 🆓💼
 FREE 30 Slim Size Converter 🆓📏
MOST POPULAR: ANTI TAR® TripleGuard [Bundle-3] 🛡️🎁
 3 Boxes (150 Filters) 📦📦📦
 Bonus: FREE Carrying Case (with 3 filters) 🆓💼
 FREE 15 Slim Size Converter 🆓📏
 FREE Shipping in USA 🚚🇺🇸
 *1 Filter can be used for 5–6 cigarett
HUGE SAVINGS up to 40% OFF and FREE shipping on all bundles.

Limited Time Period Offer:
*One Month Supply: $49/bottle
*Two Month Supply: $39/bottle
*Three Month Supply: $33/bottle
Above offers come with Fast and Free Shipping in USA, 365 day Money back Guarantee.
2)Steer Clear of Triggers: Trigger foods (like Caffeine, Alcohol, Spicy foods, Sugary snacks and Fatty foods) which when consumed, may evoke strong cravings or associations with smoking.
3)Social Networking: Formation of social networks by people, who have successfully quit smoking, and their motivation for persons in the process of quitting may definitely help in a psychological way.
4)Employ the Power of Delay: Consider venturing into a smoke-free zone within your vicinity. Challenge yourself to postpone use by an additional 10 minutes.
5)Channel Your Chewing Impulses: Chew on sugarless gum or relish a piece of hard candy or else savour the crunch of raw carrots, nuts or sunflower seeds to provide a healthy distraction.
6) Beware of the Illusion of “Just One”:The allure of succumbing to the illusion of satisfying a smoking craving with a single cigarette is compelling.
7)Say Yes to the Power of Physical Activity:Physical exertion possesses the capacity to divert your attention away from tobacco or smoking cravings.

Researchers from the University of Otago in New Zealand analyzed data from the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study findings: People who are thinking about Quitting smoking should not be put off by the fear of putting on large amounts of weight.

Even within a month of extinguishing that last cigarette, your body and mind start experiencing a remarkable transformation. Even one cigarette a day causes harm. But remember, every month smoke-free is a victory for your body and mind, paving the way for a healthier, happier you.

